Short Ribs, Spinach Quiche, & Greek Salad
Shot by Teresa on her iPhone at her parent’s home in Georgia, July 2020
As a daughter, it’s hard for me to try and fit all of my appreciation into one caption. But believe me when I say that my mom is one hell of a woman. Her love of Italian mafia shows, specialty food, and always staying true to herself, is what inspires me as a daughter and human.
Her and my father were entrepreneurs and started a cleaning company together in D.C. when I was little, and are both the reasons why I chose a path of entrepreneurship. Their fearlessness, work ethic, and take no shit attitude has been forever instilled in me.
Mom also opened a lingerie store when we moved to a small conservative town in Southeast Georgia. So that's that on that.
“This meal is a combo of comfort and family upbringing. and caring for the family I have now. I could eat beef everyday honestly. Short ribs have more flavor because it's closer to the bone. Anything close to the bone has the most flavor! i'm a meat girl!
When I was growing up, every Friday, we had the same meal every sabbath: mac and cheese, rice, a green vegetable, and meat. It was my job to cook roast beef every week. so that was my thing. And every week I'd try to improve on the flavor.
Greek salad, another go to. I love the italilan/Greeky flavors. Everything in this meal is based on the boroughs I grew up with.
We didn't have a lot of soul food until I moved to DC later, and would eat collard greens.
And last but not least, quiche- that's a family favorite. When I grew up i didn't care for mac and cheese, but it had the egg, cheese, and spinach component that I loved.
It adds more dimension than mac and cheese, and more savory ingredients.”
Collage art designed and created by Teresa Johnson for the ‘Leftovers’ cookbook