“The Boys”

Makaroni Po Flotski

Yuri, Taras, and Dima shot by Briana Balducci

Shot in their home in Philadelphia, July 2020 by Briana Balducci

Teresa: Tell us about your meal and why you chose it.

The Boys: Makaroni Po Flotski, also known as Macaroni Navy Style. It's cost effective, filling, and full of color. This is a meal we would make for each other in big batches while living together. It is said that men in the Navy would prepare this dish quite often, hence the name. Out at sea, there weren’t many options or variety in the available ingredients, so they used what what they had, canned meat and pasta.

Teresa: Where were you born?

The Boys:

Yuri: Kyiv - Ukraine

Dima: Lviv - Ukraine

Taras - Ternopil, Ukraine

Teresa: Favorite artists/bands?

The Boys:

Yuri: DJ Snake

Dima: Tchami

Taras: TGK

Teresa: What are your hobbies?

The Boys:

Yuri: playing hockey, going to festivals, taking long walks.

Dima: cooking, reading, going to the gym, traveling, going to festivals.

Taras: boxing, being a dj, going to festivals, eating!